Beginner’s Guide To Using A Hot Tub At Home

At a spa resort, you meet assistants who help you get into the hot tub without taking any risk. Such a place deploys experts who know how to handle any situation in terms of spa facility management. Things are a little different if you use a hot tub at home. There won’t be any technicians or therapists to give you the instruction for using the equipment. If you want to experience the best spa treatment, check out the user guide we share in the following.

Set the right temperature

The aim of installing a hot tub is to take a nice warm bath, and not to get roasted inside the tub. When setting the water temperature, you should follow the standard level that provides comfort. The US Consumer Product Safety Commission recommends the temperature between 100°F and 102°F as the standard level for hot tub water. Even if you don’t feel the heat on your skin, a higher temperature can affect your cardiovascular system.

Avoid germ infection

A hot tub is a very small version pool that accumulates all kinds of body fluids after taking a bath. If you share the tub with many people at a time, there is a high risk of getting an infection with germs and viruses from an infected person. That is why installing a STIL Bullfrog spa tub in Los Angeles is a better way to avoid going to spas in hotels and resorts. You can install the spa facility on your premises to get safe baths.

Maintain your spa

As a proud owner of a hot tub, you have the responsibility to make it last for years. After installing the equipment, you should start a routine cleaning to avoid equipment damage over time. A good-quality hot tub can last up to 20 years. Invest in spa cleaning supplies, including spa cover, filter cartridge cleaner, wax, scrub, scum absorb-er, and cabinet cleaner. Consult a hot tub expert before handling these items on your own.

Keeping in mind that a hot tub is not an inflatable bathtub, you should not allow pet animals and toddlers in the tub. Find a dealer of CA hot tubs and choose the product that fits your budget.
